Si anode for next-generation lithium-ion battery

Si-based materials with high theoretical storage capacity and low working potential are one of the ideal anode materials for next-generation lithium-ion batteries, but their large volume change and low conductivity obstruct the commercial application. This article presents a brief overview of insights into charge–discharge mechanism and the main …

Leistungsfähige Anoden aus Silizium

Sie kommen als Autobatterien oder Akkus in Smartphones zum Einsatz und werden stetig verbessert: Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz für deren Weiterentwicklung ist es, Silizium anstelle von Graphit in der Anode einzusetzen. Da sich Siliziumanoden beim Aufladen jedoch stark ausdehnen, leidet die Stabilität der Batterien.

Lithium–silicon battery

Lithium–silicon batteries are lithium-ion batteries that employ a silicon-based anode, and lithium ions as the charge carriers. [1] Silicon based materials, generally, have a much larger specific capacity, for example, 3600 mAh/g for pristine silicon. [2] The standard anode material graphite is limited to a maximum theoretical capacity of 372 mAh/g for the fully lithiated state LiC 6.

Neues Anodenherstellungsverfahren für Silizium-Batterien

Neben dem Einsatz in Lithium-Ionen-Akkus für Elektrofahrzeuge sind auch andere Anwendungen denkbar. Das Verfahren ist etwa für die Herstellung von Anoden zur Verwendung in Festkörperbatterien geeignet und wird somit als Plattformtechnologie gehandelt. „Wir rechnen damit, dass unsere Anode überall dort gefragt sein wird, wo die Kombination ...

Siliziumanoden zur Steigerung der Energiedichte von Lithium …

Lithium hinsichtlich ihrer elektrochemischen Eigenschaften bewertet. Mit Steigerung der Siliziumbeladung der Elektroden konnte bei gleichbleibender Kapazitätsretention die Flächen-kapazität von etwa 2 mAh cm-2auf bis zu 7,5 mAh cm gesteigert werden (Abb. 4). KONTAKT M. Sc. Markus Piwko (+49 351 83391-3530 * markus.piwko@iws aunhofer


Die Duisburger PCC-Konzerngesellschaft PCC Thorion GmbH und ihre Forschungspartner, das Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, die Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg und das Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE) der Universität Duisburg-Essen, haben ein Forschungsprojekt zur Leistungssteigerung von Lithium …

Lithium Silicates in Anode Materials for Li-Ion and Li …

The structural and interfacial stability of silicon-based and lithium metal anode materials is essential to their battery performance. Scientists are looking for a better inactive material to buffer strong volume change and …

Stable high-capacity and high-rate silicon-based lithium battery …

The synthesized SF@G features a two-dimensional covalently bound component interface, enabling stable and fast electron (e −) and lithium-ion (Li +) transport, …

Zijn anodes uit silicium het nieuwe wondermiddel voor batterijen ...

De anode van een batterij zou je kunnen omschrijven als het reservoir voor lithium-ionen. In een klassieke lithium-ionbatterij is de anode gemaakt uit een opeenstapeling van grafietplaten waarop de ionen zich vastzetten wanneer de accu wordt opgeladen. De batterij wordt dan weer ontladen wanneer de ionen naar de kathode stromen.

Lithium Pre‐Storage Enables High Initial Coulombic Efficiency …

Lithium pre-storage prepared a nano-drilled graphite material with surficial lithium functional groups, which can form chemical bonds with adjacent silicon during high …

High-Performance Silicon-Rich Microparticle Anodes for Lithium …

Si is a promising anode material for Li ion batteries because of its high specific capacity, abundant reserve, and low cost. However, its rate performance and cycling stability are poor due to the severe particle pulverization during the lithiation/delithiation process. The high stress induced by the Li concentration gradient and anisotropic deformation is the main reason …

Review articlePrelithiation strategies for silicon-based anode in …

Prelithiation, pre-embedding extra lithium ions in the electrodes, is a promising approach to replenish the lithium loss during cycling. Recent progress on prelithiation …

A solid-state lithium-ion battery with micron-sized silicon anode ...

where A is the pre-exponential factor, E a is the pseudoactivation energy, k B is the Boltzmann constant, and T 0 is the equilibrium Vogel scaling temperature. ... (China Energy Lithium Co., Ltd ...

Research progress on silicon/carbon composite anode materials …

Lithium metal powder is the mostly used lithiation reagent. To apply lithium metal powder into the anode electrodes, two different methods have been applied: lithium metal powder is either added into electrode slurry for film casting, or loaded directly on top of dried anode laminate. Currently, the only commercial prelithiation reagent in ...

A Thorough Analysis of Two Different Pre‐Lithiation Techniques …

There are several pre-lithiation techniques described in literature, e. g., pre-lithiation by contacting the anode to Li metal (e. g., in form of foil or powder) in presence of …

Exploring the practical applications of silicon anodes: a review of ...

The increasing demand for high energy density batteries has spurred the development of the next generation of lithium-ion batteries. Silicon (Si) materials have great potential as anode materials in such batteries owing to their ultra-high theoretical specific capacities, natural abundance, and environmental friendliness. However, the large volume expansion and poor conductivity of Si …

Teslas 4680-Zellen: Warum immer noch kein Silicium in der Anode?

Normale Lithium-Ionen-Zellen besitzen reine Graphit-Anoden. Der Vorteil des Materials: Lithium kann sich leicht zwischen die Kohlenstoff-Schichten dieser Verbindungen einlagern. Das ist, wie wenn man ein Buch in ein Regal stellt: Der Abstand zwischen den Regalbrettern (den Kohlenstoff-Schichten) ändert sich nicht.

Enhanced Lithium Storage in Micro-Si-Based Anode Materials …

Enhanced Lithium Storage in Micro-Si-Based Anode Materials through Low-Temperature Interface Engineering with an Ultrathin Phenolic Interlayer. Mahesh B. Naikwade

A Thorough Analysis of Two Different Pre‐Lithiation Techniques …

Boosting the performance of silicon-based lithium-ion cells by pre-lithiation: One major challenge of silicon-based lithium ion full-cells, i. e., the high active lithium losses, can be tackled by suitable pre-lithiation techniques.The beneficial impact of pre-lithiation is demonstrated for NCM111||Si/C cells, while focusing on the comparison of two approaches, i. e., …

Une nouvelle batterie solide très prometteuse pour le stockage en ...

L''électrolyte liquide conventionnel qui transporte les ions de lithium entre l''anode et l''autre électrode de la batterie, la cathode, est très volatil, ce qui limite la compatibilité avec d''autres matériaux potentiels à haute performance comme le lithium métallique. Les électrolytes à l''état solide se présentent comme une ...

The application road of silicon-based anode in lithium-ion …

The increasing broad applications require lithium-ion batteries to have a high energy density and high-rate capability, where the anode plays a critical role [13], [14], [15] and has attracted plenty of research efforts from both academic institutions and the industry. Among the many explorations, the most popular and most anticipated are silicon-based anodes and …

Silicon/Graphite/Amorphous Carbon as Anode Materials for Lithium …

Although silicon is being researched as one of the most promising anode materials for future generation lithium-ion batteries owing to its greater theoretical capacity (3579 mAh g−1), its practical applicability is hampered by its worse rate properties and poor cycle performance. Herein, a silicon/graphite/amorphous carbon (Si/G/C) anode composite material …

Particules core-shell à base de silicium comme matériaux …

L''arrivée de nouveaux acteurs dans le domaine de l''aérospatial a entrainé un regain d''engouement et d''activité autour de l''Espace. Alors, pour relever les nouveaux défis qui s''annoncent, l''avancement des technologies actuelles est nécessaire. Pour le stockage de l''énergie, les batteries Li-ion dominent fortement le secteur, mais ont peu évoluée ces …

Insights into Electrolytic Pre‐Lithiation: A Thorough …

For direct pre-lithiation of the anode, three major approaches have been developed: i) chemical pre-lithiation has been conducted by immersion of graphite or Si-based electrodes into reducing solutions, for example, …

Investigation of Pre-lithiation in Graphite and Hard-Carbon …

Energy storage devices like lithium (Li)-ion batteries (LIBs) and Li-ion capacitors (LICs) rely on intercalation type carbon anodes 1,2 for their reversible characteristic, where a guest ion (e.g. Li-ion) can be reversibly intercalated and de-intercalated into the host carbon material. On the other hand, the host carbon anode materials when in contact with …