Eerlijke en eenvoudige belastingheffing: betere …

Nieuwsartikel; 19 juni 2023; Vertegenwoordiging in Nederland; Leestijd: 1 min; Eerlijke en eenvoudige belastingheffing: betere bronbelastingprocedures zullen grensoverschrijdende …

The remarkable Chuzhi House is made of recycled …

Vinu Daniel''s striking Chuzhi House has made waves in the world of architecture — and while its unique swirling design is remarkable, the project is even more notable for its use of natural and upcycled materials. "The house as …

Chuzhi (1973)

Chuzhi is a Malayalam drama film, directed by Triprayar Sukumaran. The film features Savitri, Salam and Sujatha in the lead roles. Chuzhi is the first and only Malayalam film in which Savitri acted. The music composed by M. S. Baburaj was one of the film''s main highlights. It was released on 7 December 1973.

A Buried Past: The Tomb Inscription (Muzhiming) and …

Even in describing Chuzhi''s demotion, abduction, and death at the hands of his adoptive son, all three historians use the passive voice to retain Chuzhi as the grammatical subject of his own suffering: "he was displaced by his son Du" …


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インド!のによるのような〈Chuzhi …

きのでされた〈Chuzhi〉は、しいやいるががるインドのにおいて、「にさない」のをるプロジェクト。 と、4000のペットボトルからされたきのがけから、になりをしている。


Casa CHUZHI / Wallmakers

Chuzhi significa na língua malaiala "redemoinho" que no projeto é materializado por "espirais de vigas" feitas com um composto de terras e detritos pré-moldados, formadas a partir de 4.000 garrafas plásticas …

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Recycled plastic bottles and mud help form …

Likened to a snake coiling under a rock on a hot day, the Chuzhi house is defined by its intricate twisting roof. The ambitious residence was constructed using sustainable building techniques ...

Hoogte van vrijstelling-teruggaaf buitenlandse bronbelasting

Hoogte van vrijgestelde of terug te krijgen buitenlandse bronbelasting, en regels daarbij, hangen af van afspraken tussen NL het andere land.

(1898-1966), 、,,,1917。 , ,。 1929 ()3,4, ...

Chuzhi by Wallmakers

Chuzhi is a project that helps to understand what can be built in odd sites that are generally deemed ''unsuitable'' for construction. Situated in a gated community called Sanctity Ferme in a picturesque location called Shoolagiri, the owner was in a fix as there were unwanted obscure plots at the periphery of the community characterized by steep rocky topography, huge trees …

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Gallery of CHUZHI House / Wallmakers

Image 1 of 21 from gallery of CHUZHI House / Wallmakers. Photograph by Syam Sreesylam

CHUZHI House by Wallmakers

CHUZHI House by Wallmakers "whirlpool" starting from the wall spirals all the way up 2023-02-27 Project Specs. Design: Wallmakers. Location: India . Type: Architecture . Materials: Earth decorative-panels Stone Wood Metal ecology Glass . Tags: ...


Wet bronbelasting 2021. 1 Voor de toepassing van deze wet en de daarop berustende bepalingen wordt verstaan onder:. a. voordeelgerechtigde: een lichaam dat …

A spiralling subterranean edifice of earth, stone, and …

The main entrance located, near the middle of the Chuzhi''s southern face, opens into a vast living area replete with spirals—both on the wall and ceilings of the space. To the east is the master bedroom and its attached …

This abode designed by Vinu Daniel is a fine example of …

The word chuzhi in Malayalam means "spiral". For anyone unfamiliar with the language, the deceptively simple word may seem easy enough to pronounce; the arrangement of letters in English seems to indicate something akin to "choosy". But the authentic pronunciation of the Dravidian word is nowhere as simple as that; it demands a rolling ...

Bronbelasting: Uitleg & Advies

Bronbelasting is een vorm van belasting die wordt geheven over bepaalde inkomsten uit het buitenland, zoals dividend, rente of royalty''s. Deze inkomsten worden ook wel inkomsten uit de bron genoemd, omdat ze afkomstig zijn van …

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Casa Chuzhi es una arquitectura entre rocas

Para Daniel, el lugar simplemente se sometió a emocionantes exploraciones de arquitectura de camuflaje, un concepto único que se expresa como construcciones que permanecen ocultas y se funden a la perfección con …

Chuzhi House by Wallmakers — Cyril Zammit

Chuzhi as the meaning suggests in Malayalam, "whirpool" are swirls of precast poured debris earth composite bottle beams, fashioned from 4000 discarded plastic bottles designed around the three large Tamarind trees on site.The idea was to make a subterranean home that would originate from the rock bed, forming multiple whirls around the tree and …