Pentrit – Wikipedie
Pentrit (pentaerythritol tetranitrát) je silná výbušnina, běžně označovaná zkratkou PENT, PETN, PENTA nebo TEN. Využívá se také ve farmakologii jako vasodilatans. Základní fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti. Chemicky je pentrit ...
Energies of Electronic Transitions of Pentaerythritol …
In this research aimed at a better understanding of the low energy absorption in the optical spectrum of nitro-compounds, the electronic structure and vertical electronic transitions of a gas-phase pentaerythritol …
(pentaerythritol octahydrogen tetraphosphate),C5H16O16P4,,,CAS7440-78-0。
Polyoxyethylene Polyoxypropylene Pentaerythritol Ether. PPE. C[CH2O(C2H4O)n(C3H6O)mH]4 C[CH2O(C3H6O)n(C2H4O)mH]4. ,,、、、、、,,、 ...
Synthesis and characterization of pentaerythritol derived ...
glycoconjugates are mono-, di-, tri-, and tetra- functionalized pentaerythritol derivatives synthesized by using copper (I) catalyzed azide alkyne cycloaddition reactions (CuAACs). The …
: :-3- :Pentaerythritol Tetra(3-mercaptopropionate) CAS:7575-23-7 : (3-)
Synthetic oils based on pentaerythritol esters. Vapor pressure and ...
In this work, the equilibrium vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization (298.15 K) of nine esters of pentaerythritol combined with C 2 –C 7 acids of various structures …
Influence of pentaerythritol on the properties of polyvinyl alcohol ...
Pentaerythritol was used as the plasticizer to prepare PVA films through solution casting method. The interaction between pentaerythritol and PVA was studied by FTIR. The crystallinity of raw PVA and modified PVA films was characterized by X-ray diffraction. The effect of the addition of pentaerythritol on the swelling properties, mechanical properties and optical …
Pentaerythritol. C(CH2OH)4. Synonyms: 2,2-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol, Pentaerythritol. CAS 115-77-5. Molecular Weight 136.15. Browse Pentaerythritol and related products at MilliporeSigma. Skip to Content. Products. US EN. Products. Products Applications Services Documents Support
Pentaerythritol is an organic compound with four alcohol groups that is synthesized from formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The compound has five carbon atoms and is a white crystalline powder. Pentaerythritol''s characteristic properties include its …
(PDF) Pentaerythritol as an excipient/solid-dispersion …
In this study, the feasibility of using pentaerythritol as a novel excipient/solid-dispersion carrier for enhancing the biopharmaceutical properties of ursodeoxycholic acid (UA) is explored.
アセトアルデヒドとホルムアルデヒドをでしてすることができる [1] 。 このは、3のしたアルドールと1のカニッツァーロによってこる。 このでは、ジペンタエリトリトールとトリペンタエリトリトールをにむ [2] 。
펜타에리쓰리톨 | 115-77-5
Pentaerythritol is a white crystalline solid. Odorless. 용도 In the manufacture of pentaerythritol tetranitrate; alkyd resins in surface-coating compositions; pentaerythritol triacrylate and protective coatings; insecticides; pharmaceuticals 정의 pentaerythritol: white crystallinecompound, C(CH 2 OH) 4; m.p.260°C; b.p. 276°C (30 mmHg). It ...
Pentaerythritol is an organic compound with the formula C(CH 2 OH) 4.The molecular structure can be described as a neopentane with one hydrogen atom in each methyl group replaced by a hydroxyl (–OH) group. It is therefore a polyol, specifically a tetrol.. Pentaerythritol is a white solid. It is a building block for the synthesis and production of explosives, plastics, paints, appliances ...
Pentaérythritol (115-77-5) | PSC
Tableau des paramètres; Nom de valeur Valeur Température Pression Granulométrie Humidité Norme / Ligne directrice Méthode Commentaire Source; Hydrosolubilité
The Structure and Lattice Parameters of Pentaerythritol Above …
Pentaerythritol (C-(CH 2 OH) 4) is a solid-state phase-change material which is a potential candidate for temporary storage of solar energy. This material is known to undergo an …
Experimental study on thermal and chemical stability of …
DSC and DTA results showed that thermal cycling of pure pentaerythritol had resulted in about 6% reduction in heat flow value after 100 cycles. The addition of LMA in 0.1% …
The process of making pentaerythritol is carried out in a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) reactor. The plant operates continuously for 330 days/year. In this process the reaction takes place in a liquid-liquid, irreversible phase, with a temperature of 30oC and a pressure of 2 atm. An exothermic, isothermal reaction so that it needs ...
Melt Castable Derivatives of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate
Energetic materials: In this work, the pentaerythritol backbone was modified with amine, nitramine and tetrazole functionalities leading to powerful melt castable pentaerythritol tetranitrate derivatives that outperform …
,,c5h12o4,,,,,,、、、。《》,《 …
Preparation of Rosin Pentaerythritol Ester Over an Fe
Abstract Conversion of rosin to its pentaerythritol ester provides a means of improving its water resistance, alkali resistance, and oxidation resistance, thereby increasing its stability. Rosin pentaerythritol ester is much more amenable to industrial applications than the parent compound. To overcome the difficulty of catalyst recovery and its associated high cost …
Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate
PETN and nitroglycerin can be miscible with each other to form NG eutectic, whose composition and freezing point are shown in Table 7.4. In addition to the mentioned above, PETN can also form a ternary eutectic with some nitro compounds, whose composition and freezing point are shown in Table 7.5.. Pentaerythritol tetranitrate has four -CH 2 ONO 2 …
Pentaeritritol – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Pentaeritritol é o composto orgânico com a fórmula C(CH 2 OH) 4.Este poliol branco e cristalino é um "bloco de construção" em síntese orgânica para a preparação de muitos compostos polifuncionais tais como o explosivo PETN e triacrilato de pentaeritritol. S. F. Marrian (1948). «The Chemical Reactions of Pentaerythritol and its Derivatives». ...
Pentaerythritol is an organic compound with the formula C(CH2OH)4. The molecular structure can be described as a neopentane with one hydrogen atom in each methyl group replaced by a hydroxyl (–OH) group. It is therefore a polyol, specifically a tetrol. Pentaerythritol is a white solid. It is a building block for the synthesis and prod…
| 4986-89-4
ChemicalBook (4986-89-4),,,,,,,,,,(4986-89-4),,,,(4986-89-4), ...
Fiche de Données de Sécurité: Pentaérythritol
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Chemical Evaluation and Performance …
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) finds many uses in the energetic materials community. Due to the recent availability of erythritol, erythritol tetranitrate (ETN) can now be readily synthesized. Accordingly, its complete characterization, …
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