Energy Engineering and Process Engineering M.Sc.

In the Energy Engineering and Process Engineering master''s degree program, you can specialize in energy engineering, process engineering, or a combination of the two. This study program builds on the foundation laid by the bachelor''s …

Integration Technology

Task allocation in manufacturing: A review. Ying Cheng, ... Fei Tao, in Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2019. 4.1.1 CPS and SOA based information integration. For future TA, smart and collaborative manufacturing will gradually take the dominant position, because of its characteristics of low-cost, high flexibility and short manufacturing time.

Systems Engineering Approach

INCOSE—International Council of Systems Engineering [] defines Systems Engineering as follows:"Systems Engineering is a transdisciplinary and integrative approach to enable the successful realization, use, and retirement of engineered systems, using systems principles and concepts, and scientific, technological, and management methods."

Sustainability Assessment: Integrative Concept, Methodology, …

Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems - March 2020. The Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development (ICoS) was developed through an intensive process in order to operationalise the guiding rules of sustainable development in an interdisciplinary team.


Research and Innovation. The Department of Energy and Process Engineering combines the fields of research, teaching and transfer and offers a wide range of work and cooperation opportunities.

What Is Successful Technology Integration?

Technology integration is the use of technology resources -- computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms and networks, software applications, the Internet, etc. -- in daily classroom practices, and in …

Industrielaser für industrielle Fertigung

Industrielaser | Diodenlaser für die Werkstoffbearbeitung. Mit mehr als 7.500 Systemen im Feldeinsatz gehören die Industrielaser von Laserline zu den erfolgreichsten Strahlquellen für die industrielle Werkstoffbearbeitung im Multi-Kilowattbereich.

Process Energy and Environmental Systems …

Für den Masterstudiengang Process Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering/Prozess-, Energie- und Umweltsystemtechnik gibt es einen sogenannten Studienverlaufsplan, der einen empfohlenen Ablauf des …

Completed Collaborative Projects

Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen AiF, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie BMWi: Contact Person: Jasmin Saewe M.Sc. More information. Supported by: Back To Top "TriboLas-3D" – Process Development for the Laser-Based Production of Site-Selective Tribological Layer Systems on 3D Surfaces.

Toward an integrated technology operating model | McKinsey

Organizations will, of course, need to address issues relating to core technology. For instance, they will need to design flexible, perpetually evolving enterprise architectures, with lightweight connections, that can support the development and deployment of new business capabilities.They will also need to develop agile data-management practices—that is, …

A systematic review towards integrative energy management of …

The SG concept emerged in 2005 [1] using modern information and communication technologies to allow power grids to self-regulate locally during failures, threats, and disturbances.Later, the characteristics of SG were expanded, i.e., better integration of fluctuating renewable energy, bi-directional power flow, deregulated electricity markets, and …

Building an integrated technology road map to drive successful ...

Developing and prioritizing innovation scenarios will demand the biggest time investment across the two phases. Participants in the road-map-building process use probability tools and methods to assess the likelihood of potential end states, and they identify intermediate building blocks and common milestones shared by the short-, medium-, and long-term innovation scenarios they …

Artificial Intelligence is Critical Enabler of the Energy Transition ...

Written in collaboration with BloombergNEF and Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency, Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate the …

Process Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering, M.Sc.

The Process Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering master''s degree is an international study program bringing together students from a wide variety of bachelor''s programs and countries. During your studies you learn the individual steps of planning and operating energy, environmental, and process engineering processes as well as how to understand these as a …

Vijf duidelijke trends in energietransitie

1. Verschuiving van conventionele energie naar investeringen in duurzame energie. 2. Stijgende investeringen in netwerkinfrastructuur. 3. Toenemende focus op energy …

Energy Technology | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

The Master''s programme in Energy Technology is aimed at graduates of a Bachelor''s programme in engineering sciences in the field of energy process engineering, electrical engineering or materials science with the respective focus on energy technology who would like to deepen and expand their knowledge and skills in this field.

Supply Chain 5 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Functional Layout, Enterprise resource planning system, Volume and more.


Het programma digitalisering fungeert als linking-pin tussen de Topsector Energie en Topsector ICT (Dutch Digital Delta). Samen richten we ons op concrete vraagstukken die …


Belangrijke voorwaarden voor duurzame energie-investeringen, banen en bedrijvigheid. Hiervoor is nieuwe kennis en samenwerking nodig. Nadruk ligt op geïntegreerde systemen, om tot …

Institute of Energy and Process Systems Engineering

Contact. Institut für Energie- und Systemverfahrenstechnik Institute Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Schröder Langer Kamp 19B 38106 Braunschweig

(PDF) Process Systems Engineering from an …

This comprehensive work shows how to design and develop innovative, optimal and sustainable chemical processes by applying the principles of process systems engineering, leading to integrated ...

Integrative technology hubs for urban food-energy-water nexuses …

The Food-Energy-Water (FEW) nexus for urban sustainability needs to be analyzed via an integrative rather than a sectoral or silo approach, reflecting the ongoing transition from separate infrastructure systems to an integrated social-ecological-infrastructure system.

System integration

Our platform: If your project deserves special attention from the Topsector Energie System Integration team, or if you are developing a system solution that contributes to accelerating the energy transition, we would be delighted to showcase your work.

How an integrative STEM curriculum can benefit students in

STEM-oriented engineering design practice has become recognized increasingly by technology education professionals in Taiwan. This study sought to examine the effectiveness of the application of an integrative STEM approach within engineering design practices in high school technology education in Taiwan. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to …

Energie System 2050

Die Initiative „Energie System 2050" hat untersucht, wie der Umbau des Energiesystems nachhaltig gelingen kann. Ein Kernergebnis: Es braucht neue Technologien, aber vor allem starke Modelle, Algorithmen und IT-Systeme, um das System umweltfreundlich, wirtschaftlich und sicher zu gestalten. Helmholtz macht diese Werkzeuge frei zugänglich.

Process Integration Technology

Process Integration of an Oil Refinery Hydrogen Network. Nan Zhang, in Handbook of Process Integration (PI), 2013. 22.5 Conclusion. Process Integration technology of refinery hydrogen management has been actively investigated and developed over the last decade. Both thermodynamic analysis for targeting, and mathematical programming for design, …