PLZT film waveguide Mach-Zehnder electrooptic modulator

We report the numerical analysis and the fabrication of a reversed-ridge PLZT film waveguide. It is single-mode, has low transmission loss, and has large transverse cross-section suitable for efficient coupling to single-mode optical fibers. We used this structure to fabricate Mach-Zehnder (MZ) waveguide modulators. The field distribution in the channel and Y branch waveguides …

PLZT Film Capacitors for Power Electronics and Energy Storage ...

X-ray diffraction stress analysis revealed that PLZT on LNO/Ni bears a compressive stress of ≈370 MPa while PLZT on PtSi endures a tensile stress of ≈250 MPa. Compressive stress was found to lead to heightened polarization, improved tunability, increased irreversible domain wall motion, and enhanced breakdown strength for PLZT deposited on the …

Flexible PLZT antiferroelectric film capacitor for energy storage in ...

It is obvious that PLZT 2/95/5 presents antiferroelectric state at room temperature and can be induced to ferroelectric under the excitation of electric field or temperature, which is an excellent candidate material for energy storage capacitors. In this paper, the flexible PLZT 2/95/5 capacitor with a total thickness of about 30 µm was ...

(PDF) Energy Storage Performance and Electric Breakdown

The PLZT thin films deposited by PLD possessed a columnar growth microstructure and mixed orientations of (100) and (110) while a dense microstructure and preferred orientation of (100) were ...

Thuisbatterij: zonne-energie opslaan | Milieu Centraal

Gemiddeld verbruik je zelf ongeveer 30 procent van de stroom die je zonnepanelen opwekken. De rest lever je aan het elektriciteitsnet. Dat komt doordat zonnepanelen veel stroom opwekken als de zon schijnt, terwijl je vooral veel verbruikt op andere momenten.

Light-Driven Actuator Using Hydrothermally Deposited PLZT Film

Light-driven actuators result in the miniaturization of micro-devices because such actuators can be driven by a non-contact energy supply. PLZT is a ferroelectric material that exhibits a ...

PLZT film capacitors for power electronics and energy storage ...

Ceramic film capacitors with high dielectric constant and high breakdown strength hold special promise for applications demanding high power density. By means of chemical solution deposition, we deposited ≈2-μm-thick films of lanthanum-doped lead zirconate titanate (PLZT) on LaNiO3-buffered Ni (LNO/Ni) foils and platinized silicon (PtSi) substrates. …

Relaxor behavior and energy storage performance of ferroelectric …

For PLZT (8/52/48) films under an applied field of 2180 kV/cm (the maximum tested), we calculated a large energy density of ≈30 J/cm 3 with a high energy efficiency of …

Lead Lanthanum Zirconate Titanate Ceramic Thin Films for …

An acetic-acid-based sol–gel method was used to deposit lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT, 8/52/48) thin films on either platinized silicon (Pt/Si) or nickel buffered …

Fabrication of PLZT Film-on-Foil Dielectric Sheets for Embedded …

Figure 5 Weibull plot for breakdown field strength of PLZT/LNO/Ni film-on-foil capacitors with 1.15- . m PLZT layer. The straight solid line and curved dotted line are fittings to two- and three-parameter functions for failure probability. Figure 6 shows the P-E loops measured at room temper ature on a Pt/PLZT/LNO/Ni capacitor.


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Dense PLZT films grown on nickel substrates by PVP-modified …

We have successfully grown ferroelectric Pb0.92La0.08Zr0.52Ti0.48O3 (PLZT) films on base metal foils by chemical solution deposition using sol–gel solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone. Under zero-bias field, we measured a dielectric constant of ≈820 and dielectric loss of ≈0.06 at room temperature, and a dielectric constant of ≈1250 and dielectric …


( PLZT) PZT。Haertling G H1970PLZT。。。。[]。

Improvement in piezoelectric properties of PLZT thin film with …

This paper reports improved piezoelectric properties of PLZT, designed by partially substituting larger trivalent cation (Bi 3+) in place of La 3+.For the present investigation, stoichiometric compositions of Pb 0.92 (La 1-y Bi y) 0.08 (Zr 0.52 Ti 0.48)O 3 (PLBZT) with y = 0.0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 were prepared by chemical solution deposition method. The XRD results …

PLZT film capacitors for power electronics and energy storage ...

X-ray diffraction stress analysis revealed that PLZT on LNO/Ni bears a compressive stress of &370 MPa while PLZT on PtSi endures a tensile stress of &250 MPa.

Polarization-electric field (P-E) hysteresis loops of PLZT thin film ...

Download scientific diagram | Polarization-electric field (P-E) hysteresis loops of PLZT thin film capacitors with Pt, Au, and Al as top electrodes. Reprinted with permission from Appl. Phys. Lett ...

PLZT film capacitors for power electronics and energy storage ...

In PLZT/LNO/Ni, the compressive stress in the film leads to higher dielectric tunability, polarization, and E bd, compared to PLZT films on Pt/Si with tensile stress (Fig. 9.10B) [49]. A high U ...

Improved energy storage density in La-doped PbZr0.95Ti0.05O3 …

It is found that the electric hysteresis loop of the PLZT-0.12 films maintain slim loops at different temperatures, and the energy storage density and energy storage efficiency …

Large Quadratic Electro-Optic Effect of the PLZT Thin

The PLZT film with 3 wt.% Pb-excess content showed an ASTM class 5B adhesion on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate, a nano-hardness value of 7894.43 MPa, and a Young''s modulus value of 143.05 GPa. To ...

PLZT Film Waveguide Mach–Zehnder Electrooptic Modulator

PLZT 9.5/65/35 ceramic films were prepared from the sol-gel solutions containing the stress-relaxing agent of polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP) with the molecular weight of 40000, 360000 and 630000 ...

PLZT thin-film waveguides.

PLZT thin-film channel waveguides have been successfully formed in ridges by an ion-beam etching process and it was confirmed that PLZT channel waves were much more efficient than conventional Ti-diffused LiNbO3 waveguide. PLZT thin-film channel waveguides have been successfully formed in ridges by an ion-beam etching process. The electrooptic Kerr …

Thin pyroelectric PLZT film obtained with sol-gel technology

The tetragonal PLZT 12/40/60 composition was used here. This notation means that there is a substitution of 12 at. % of the lanthanum La 3+ ions for the lead Pb 2+ ions, and the zirconium to titanium Zr/Ti ratio is 40/60. This composition has moderate permittivity, relatively low electrical loss and large pyroelectric coefficient [3, 4].The composition was calculated …

Preparation and energy-storage performance of PLZT …

In this work, sol–gel-derived Pb 0.97 La 0.02 (Zr 0.97 Ti 0.03)O 3 (PLZT 2/97/3) antiferroelectric (AFE) thick films were fabricated on LaNiO 3-bottom electrodes through a two-step heat-treatment process.The effects of the heat-treatment process on the crystalline structure and the energy-storage performance of the AFE films were investigated in detail.

Pulsed laser deposition of PLZT films: Structural and optical ...

Scanning electron micrograph of PLZT thin films deposited at (a) RT, and (b) 550 8C. The oxygen pressure was 100 mTorr, T a ¼ 650 8C. (c) T s ¼ 550 8C, P O2 ¼ 300 mTorr.

(PDF) PLZT film capacitors for power electronics and energy …

PLZT film capacitors for power electronics and energy storage applications. Beihai Ma. 2015, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. See full PDF download Download PDF. …