What is RDF and what is it good for? — RDF

This document was originally written in October 2005. In July 2006 it was revised and extended with material from my xml article "What is RDF". In January 2008 it was revised with more on N3 and RDF/XML and extended with the new sections Linked Data for the Web and Querying Semantic Web Databases


W3CRDBRDF,D2RQOntologyRDF。mappingRDFgithub,。,——RDF …

Compressed vertical partitioning for efficient RDF management

This article introduces a novel RDF indexing technique that supports efficient SPARQL solution in compressed space. Our technique, called $$hbox {k}^2$$k2-triples, uses …

Query Execution for RDF Data Using Structure Indexed Vertical ...

The paper explores use of various partitioning methods to store RDF data effectively, to meet the needs of extensively growing highly interactive semantic web applications. It proposes a …


The <rdf:Description> element contains the description of the resource identified by the rdf:about attribute. The elements: <cd:artist>, <cd:country>, <cd:company>, etc. are properties of the resource. RDF Online Validator. W3C''s RDF Validation Service is useful when learning RDF. Here you can experiment with RDF files.

Compressed Vertical Partitioning for Efficient RDF …

This article introduces a novel RDF indexing technique that supports efficient SPARQL solution in compressed space.

Compressed vertical partitioning for efficient RDF management

A novel RDF indexing technique that supports efficient SPARQL solution in compressed space and achieves by far the most compressed representations, but also achieves the best overall performance for RDF retrieval in the authors'' experimental setup. The Web of Data has been gaining momentum in recent years. This leads to increasingly publish more and …

Understanding RDF A Beginners Guide

RDF provides a way to create and use vocabularies that define the terms used to describe resources and their relationships. These vocabularies are based on the RDF Schema (RDFS) and Web Ontology Language (OWL) standards, and they provide a way to define classes and properties that can be used to describe resources. ...

electronic library

A Concurrent Engineering (CE) study at DLR has investigated the Vertical Farming concept. A Vertical Farm (VF) is the cultivation of plants in skyscrapers. Here, a significant increase in production of fresh vegetables and fruits per square meter footprint compared to conventional greenhouse can be achieved by implementing so-called Controlled …

An empirical study on the evaluation of the RDF storage systems

These methods named RDFSPO, RDFPC and RDFVP, are based respectively on the statement table, property table and vertical partitioning approaches.

Compressed Vertical Partitioning for Full-In-Memory …

This article introduces a novel RDF indexing technique (called k2-triples) supporting efficient SPARQL resolution in compressed space. k2 …

(knowledge graph)——RDF(Resource …

5.3k,4,6。RDF(triple)( ) tuple。""(Resource, RDFR)(URI), …

Compressed vertical partitioning for efficient

RDF stores because efficient SPARQL solution on the compressed RDF datasets is also required. This article introduces a novel RDF indexing technique that supports efficient


(rdf graphs) rdf,(w3c),html、xml。rdf。,rdf …


Rdf-File is a tool for processing structured text files. It can read, write, split, merge, sort, validate, and it can operate different distributed file systems (nas/oss ...). Standards or non-standard files can be handled efficiently in a single or distributed environment.


【、 RDF 】【 RDF 。】,,【】【artist】,【】【Album】,【、SPARQL 】,。


RDF tactics. Feb 14 1 min read. Mikel Arteta NEW 4231 | 62% Avg Poss + CENTRAL OVERLOAD | Best FM24 Tactics. 13,217. 0. 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7. RDF tactics. Feb 13 1 min read. A MONSTER Tactic! | Francesco Farioli''s PERFECT 4-3-3 & UNREAL Results | Football Manager 2024. 7,733. 1. 10 likes.

Wire 2 Bale – high volumes of baling wire, RDF wrap, baling strap …

Perfect for RDF and SRF applications down to smaller spools of 4 ply twine for vertical balers, we also supply hot melt tape for mini and midi balers from 9mm up to 25mm. LEARN MORE. Bale Strap supplied as a coil. ... Plastic baling wire for RDF or SRF applications, supplied in small 38kg/40kg wooden reels or larger 300kg steel reels. ...

Vertical HDWM for RSF/RDF/RI7/Ri7 Server Width 800

Vertical HDWM for RF1/Ri7/Ri7 Server Width 800mm. Vertical, high-density cable management panels for free-standing racks used for safe storage and connection of patch cords leading between horizontal panels.

Compressed Vertical Partitioning for Efficient RDF Management

2 S. Alvarez-Garc´ıa et al.´ vertical partitioning for join solution, reporting the best numbers for joins in which the non-joined nodes are provided, and being competitive in most of the cases.

Compressed vertical partitioning for efficient RDF management

Vertical partitioning The vertical partitioning (VP) scheme can be seen as a specialized case of property tables in which each table gathers information about a single …


,。,。,,。 、:RDF RDF(R...

An empirical study on the evaluation of the RDF storage systems

Vertical partitioning (VP) [3, 35] refers to the vertical division of RDF statement based on predicate.As depicted in Fig. 5, the RDF triples are divided on n tables with two columns, where n is the number of unique predicate in the RDF dataset each of these tables, the first column involves the subjects that are defined by the predicate and the second column …

Compressed Vertical Partitioning for Full-In-Memory RDF …

The Web of Data has been gaining momentum and this leads to increasingly publish more semi-structured datasets following the RDF model, based on atomic triple units of subject, predicate, and object.


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