Detailed assessment of global transport-energy models'' …

The model has also participated in many international modeling comparison efforts involving integrated assessment models, including van der Zwaan et al., 2013, Tavoni et …

A systemic approach to analyze integrated energy system modeling …

The long-term energy strategy of the EU is aimed at a 80–95% reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, relative to 1990. Reaching this goal requires a number of key actions to make a transition from a conventional energy system to a low-carbon energy system [1].As a result, low-carbon Energy System Models (ESMs) have been …

Full article: Modelling net-zero emissions energy systems requires a ...

Learning can be derived from both UK and international experience (van Sluisveld et al., Citation 2017). A push towards new solution spaces – beyond traditional engineering thinking towards socio-political issues – requires a more interdisciplinary approach (Li & Pye, Citation 2018). This includes engaging with government and other ...

Transport System: Elements, Characteristics, Types, Modes

Transport System Management (TSM) maximises the capacity of the street system and reduces the demand on it. Although some of them may be expensive to implement, TSM measures are typically low cost localized improvements that attempt to take full advantage of the existing street infrastructure thereby increasing the efficiency of the street system.

Clean Energy Transition for Transportation Systems: Modeling ...

Transportation is currently the least-diversified energy demand sector, with over 90% of energy use coming from petroleum. As a result, transportation recently became the largest source of GHG emissions in the U.S. and mobility needs for passenger and freight are growing rapidly.

Energieketens voor CO 2-neutrale mobiliteit

Het rapport richt zich op fysische, technische en kostenkenmerken van de energieketens voor elektriciteit, waterstof, synfuel en biobrandstof. Het gaat om de toepassing …

Energy System Models

Review of recent trends in optimization techniques for solar photovoltaic–wind based hybrid energy systems. Sunanda Sinha, S.S. Chandel, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015. 2.1.4 Energy system model. Energy system models are the mathematical models developed to represent various energy-related problems reliably. These models are used to …

4.1 – Transportation and Energy | The Geography of Transport …

Under such circumstances, oil prices are bound to rise in the medium to long term, sending significant price signals to the transport market. How the transport system responds and adapts to higher energy prices is subject to much debate and interpretation in terms of the scale and timing of the transition.

Alternative Energies in Transport in the Context of Energy …

The three objectives are very much related to the transport, as there are objectives for the penetration of renewables in energy use in the conventional vehicles (i.e., …

Lifestyle, efficiency and limits: modelling transport energy and ...

Study approach. To achieve the above objectives, we first developed a Scottish version of the UK Transport Carbon Model (UKTCM), which is a previously developed transport-energy-environment system modelling framework that has been applied in a number of scenario (Anable et al. 2012; Brand et al. 2017) and policy (Brand et al. 2013) modelling studies to date.

Avoid, Shift or Improve passenger transport? Impacts on the …

As such, we analyse the impact of comprehensive demand-side mitigation strategies on an optimised, fully defossilised energy system. Germany is selected as case study because it is a high-income country with strong car-dependency [14], where Avoid and Shift strategies play a minor role in past and current transport policy.We model fine-granular Avoid …

Next frontiers in energy system modelling: A review on …

Tso et al. [53] develop a multi-carrier energy model comparing different options for energy storage and transport of electricity through hydrogen. Their model includes ammonia and methanol as additional hydrogen carriers. It decides if it is beneficial to generate renewable electricity in regions with poorer yield and direct usage and storage ...

Vervoersarmoede en de energietransitie

Inzicht in deze groep is van belang voor het ontwikkelen van effectief vervoersbeleid in de context van de energietransitie. In de energietransitie wordt het gebruik van een brandstofauto naar …

Energiegebruik in de transportsector

Klimaatverandering en luchtkwaliteit zijn belangrijke drijfveren voor Europees, nationaal en lokaal beleid voor verduurzaming van de vervoerssector. Het vervangen van fossiele brandstoffen door energiedragers …

A review of current challenges and trends in energy systems …

The first model review that tried to meet this demand was published by van Beeck [45]. He systematically classified existing models and generalized his approach to apply it to other models. ... Barrett M, Spataru C. DyneMo: A Dynamic energy Model for the exploration of energy, Society and environment. 2015 In: Proceedings of the 17th UKSim-AMSS ...

Trends in tools and approaches for modelling the energy transition

The transition towards a decarbonized and sustainable energy system is expected to play a crucial role in halting the effects of global warming while furthering human wellbeing, security, and sustainable development [1].Energy system models - mathematical representations of energy systems - are often needed to quantify the impacts of this transition, …

The future of transportation in sustainable energy systems ...

Transportation sector has proven to be one of the greatest challenges towards the sustainable development [1] the last decade, one third of the total final energy consumption …

City Logistics. Network modelling and intelligent transport systems ...

Taniguchi et al. [4] promote network modelling and intelligent transport system as an analysis tool. Macharis and Melo [5] propose multiple perspectives to study city distribution and urban ...

Energy-Smart Transportation Systems | SpringerLink

It has been shown that 6 tons of CO2 per year can be saved for every van replaced using bike couriers (Maes and Vanelslander 2012). Although micromobility has grown in the form of shared mobility in recent years, such as bike-sharing, it can reduce GHG emissions and help the environment even if it applies in its other forms.

A review of modelling tools for energy and electricity systems with ...

The medium to long-term energy model OSeMOSYS was first set up using 12 time periods each year, and was compared to a soft-linked combination of TIMES-PLEXOS using 8784 time periods over one year. Analysis of 2020 showed that the OSeMOSYS model allocated 21.4% of the dispatch to wrong generation capacities, by for example overestimating the use of …

Zin en Onzin van de Energie-Transitie

Direct naar de samenvatting? druk hier. Aanleiding Om samenwerking tussen burgers en overheid mogelijk te maken hebben we (0) Een doel:nodig. Reduceren van CO2 is een eenzijdig doel. Het gaat om het stoppen van Milieu-verontreiniging en in-efficient gebruik van grondstoffen en onmenselijk gebruik van dieren (organismen). (1) Een Samenwerkingsmodel, …

Impacts of intelligent transportation systems on energy …

It is the intelligent transport systems that are de lege ferenda of the transport system, which determines the vector of transformation of transport legislation. In turn, development of the legal ...


Mobility and travel forecasting models can take on many different forms due to the intended use and the data that are available for inputs and assumptions.

Clean Energy Transition for Transportation Systems: Modeling …

• The Long-Term Strategy of the United States establishes a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by no later than 2050 and a 50-52% reduction by 2030 (from 2005 levels) in economy-wide net greenhouse gas emissions.

Exploring the future energy-mobility nexus: The transportation …

The critical review by Muratori et al. (2020) also assessed the landscape of existing transportation-energy tools used to represent and model future mobility systems and …

Energy and emissions analysis of the hyperloop ...

The simulation-based feasibility analysis carried out by van Goeverden et al. (2018) focused on the system''s operational eectiveness. Their study highlighted the limited ... formance of high-speed rail-based systems is openly contrasted to that of the air transport system, which is a prospective rival. The examples of performance comparisons ...