International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications

Inductors are passive two-terminal electrical components realized by winding a conductive wire around a core (Figure 1A).According to the Ampère–Maxwell law, when a current i flows through the wire, fields H (magnetic field strength, measured in [A m −1]) and B (magnetic flux density, measured in [T]) are generated within the core. Let Φ be the flux of field B across the windings.

A New On-Chip Substrate-Coupled Inductor Model

Request PDF | A New On-Chip Substrate-Coupled Inductor Model Implemented With Scalable Expressions | Accurate modeling of the on-chip inductor is essential for the …

The design, modeling and optimization of on-chip inductor and ...

: On-chip inductors and transformers play a crucial role in radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs). For gigahertz circuitry, these components are usually realized using bond-wires or planar on-chip spirals.

Electronics in Motion and Conversion May 2023

ISSN: 1863-5598 ZKZ 64717 05 23 Electronics in Motion and Conversion May 2023

Compact Switched-Inductor Power Supplies: Design Optimization …

Expressing switched-inductor converter losses simply as a function of design variables is key for designers. Power losses in switched-inductor power supplies are varied in nature, and optimization schemes in the literature fail to account for all of them. Available core loss models are mostly empirical or rely on measurements or variables beyond the reach of …

(PDF) A Novel Simulation Model for Common-Mode …

This paper proposes a novel simulation model for common-mode inductors. The proposed model is able to capture the frequency dependency of complex permeability and leakage inductance based on an ...

Miniaturization and Optimization of a DC–DC Boost ...

For the sake of reducing the size of the power converters for photovoltaic applications, the microelectronics industry knows a permanent race in order to reach out to integrated electronic components with high efficacy and low losses for different applications. This paper presents a detailed study for designing an integrated structure with a dual-layer inductor …

Modeling and Design of Vertical Multiphase Coupled Inductors with ...

This paper presents the modeling and design of multiphase coupled inductors with an inductance dual model. Existing models for multiwinding coupled magnetics are reviewed and compared. These models represent identical physical relationships, but reveal different fundamentals and offer distinct design insights. The inductance dual model is particularly suited to the design of …

Analysis of On-Chip Spiral Inductors Using the ...

planar inductor can be expressed as ∑ ∑ − = = + − − + − − − n k ms k n k eq mm k C C l d k d k C A d k d k 1 2 1 1 2 [2 ( 1) ()]4 1 [ ( 1) ( 1)] 4 1 (11) Applying the same concepts to m-layer …

Understanding Power Inductor Parameters

ARTICLE – UNDERSTANDING POWER INDUCTOR PARAMETERS Article #0078 Rev. 1.0 MonolithicPower 2 6/6/2022 MPS Proprietary Information. Patent Protected. Unauthorized Photocopy and Duplication Prohibited.

Dynamic Model of Power Inductors and High Dielectric Constant …

Title: Dynamic Model of Power Inductors and High Dielectric Constant Type Chip Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors Author:

A New On-Chip Substrate-Coupled Inductor Model ...

Accurate modeling of the on-chip inductor is essential for the design of high-speed, low-power, and low-noise radio-frequency integrated circuits. The conventional model …

Integrated inductors modeling and tools for automatic selection …

In this work we propose new equivalent circuit models for integrated inductors based on the conventional lumped element model. Automatic tools to assist the designers in selecting and automatically laying-out integrated inductors are also reported. Model development is based on measurements taken from more than 100 integrated spiral inductors designed and fabricated in …

Design-Oriented Modeling and Optimization of On-Chip Inductors

LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Two Coupled Straight Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2.2 Conceptual Equivalent Circuit of a Two-turn Spiral . . . . . . . . . . .4

Spice Models / S-parameters | Coilcraft

Also available, through Modelithics, is a collection of highly accurate measurement-based models that can be simulated in many popular Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software tools, including Keysight ® ADS ®, Cadence ® AWR Design Environment ®, Ansys ® HFSS ® and more! Modelithics models allow simulation over a wide variety of substrate materials

Accurate Systematic Model-Parameter Extraction for On-Chip …

CHEN et al.: ACCURATE SYSTEMATIC MODEL-PARAMETER EXTRACTION FOR ON-CHIP SPIRAL INDUCTORS 3269 magnitudes of the shunt admittances normalized with respect to that of the series admittance. It can be observed that, the lower the frequency, the smaller are the normalized magnitudes

Improved model predictive control method for a five-level

According to Table 1, the inverter has 8 operating states, when the switch state is V 2, V 0, V −2, there is no effect on the inductor current at this time.When the switch state is V 1, V −1, there are 4 states.Take V 1 as an example, the dotted line indicates that the IGBT is not conducting, and the red arrow indicates the current flow direction. When the switch state is 101, …

3D Field Simulation Model for Bond Wire On-Chip Inductors …

R1 R2 ZX R3 R4 2 1 R2 Rref R3 R4 3 Fig. 3: Test setup for differential measuring of the solenoid inductors. 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 Frequency fin MHz Im(Z X A B C (a) 0 50 100 0 50 100 Frequency fin MHz

(PDF) Modeling of high frequency inductors

Multi-physics modeling in power electronics contains EMC studies, thus conception requires modeling of passive elements. These models need to be compatible with the simulation software usually ...

Modeling and Simulation of a Planar Permanent Magnet On-Chip …

The on-chip integration of a power inductor together with other power converter components of small sizes and high-saturation currents, while maintaining a desired or high inductance value, is here pursued. The use of soft magnetic cores increases inductance density but results in a reduced saturation current. This article presents a 3D physical model and a magnetic circuit …

Understanding Inductors: Principles, Working, and Applications

In DC circuits, inductors are very simple to work with. You can just replace any inductor in a steady-state DC circuit with a short circuit. If you remember that an inductor is, fundamentally, a coil of wire, this should seem rather unsurprising.

RF Inductors (Coils) | SPICE Model | Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

SPICE models (Netlist) are provided for RF Inductors (Coils) of Murata Manufacturing.

Transformer Model Considerations

Simulation Model Considerations: Part II Choose or Create Meaningful Power Transformer Models for SPICE Simulations. In Part I of this series, we discussed the challenges and limitations of modeling inductors in SPICE, which included examples of how to select the appropriate inductor model for various types of simulations. We then explored the variety of Coilcraft …

A collection of definitions and fundamentals for a design-oriented ...

integration along the mean magnetic path into the ferrite core, Lc andinto the air gap,Lg [5]. Supposethat currenti(t) can be easily decomposed into a) a component denoted as iLF(t) at a relatively low frequency fLF and b) a component denoted as iHF (t) at a relatively high frequency fHF, with fLF ≪ fHF. At a certain time tˆLF, iLF reaches its peak value ˆiLF and

Spice-Compatible High Frequency Physical Modeling Approach …

Abstract-- Multi-physics modeling in power electronics contains EMC studies, thus conception requires modeling of passive elements. These models need to be compatible with the …

circuit analysis

$begingroup$ You get one of the things, measure how it''s different from ideal, come up with a hypothesis equation to describe the inaccuracy, test the equation... pretty much the scientific method. We didn''t just invent these models out of thin air. The left side of the "real inductor model" shows an intuition for why this model is worth trying, but it still had to be tested …

Easy Simulation And Design Of On-chip Inductors In Standard …

Figure 2. Freq. dep. lumped element inductor model. The inductance L can be estimated by using CAE tools like EEsof, Momentum, APLAC or FastHenry.If the design rules presented in section …

Selecting the appropriate Coilcraft Model

Coilcraft offers advanced frequency dependent lumped element models for a majority of our catalog of power and RF inductors. The lumped element values were determined by optimizing the simulation model to an average of measurements.

Integrated Inductor Compact Modeling Methodology

A scalable industry-oriented, 24-element "2-π" compact circuit model for on-chip RF CMOS spiral inductors is presented. It has a good accuracy up to self-resonant frequency (SRF).

Bode 100

Bode 100 - Application Note Power Inductor Modelling Page 7 of 13 Smart Measurement Solutions ® 4.2.1 Coil Wire Resistance 𝑅𝑠 Measurement For the next measurement, please set "Format" to "Rs" as shown in Figure 10.