Recovery of Fe and V via selective reduction–magnetic …

The fusibility of vanadium–titanium magnetite during reduction and smelting reflects the difficulty of smelting separation. In this study, the direct reduction of iron obtained from the ...

Present Status and Development of Comprehensive Utilization of Vanadium ...

of Vanadium-Titanium Magnetite Shiju Zhang, Songli Liu, Wenhui Ma, Kuisong Zhu, Li Cao and Yongnian Dai Abstract There is an abundance of vanadium-titanium magnetite in Panzhihua, China, which contains more than 8.73 108 tons of TiO 2 accounting for 90.6% of the national reserves. To fully utilize Panzhihua titanium resources, many processes

Titaniferous Magnetites as a Source of Vanadium, Titanium and Iron

metal oxides, including lithium, vanadium and titanium. The process leaches titanium, vanadium and iron using hydrochloric acid at atmospheric pressure and temperatures below 95°C. Solvent extraction is then used to recover vanadium, titanium pigment and iron from the leach solution. The advantages claimed are low cost, high recovery, no

Present Status and Development of Comprehensive Utilization of Vanadium ...

The main products of vanadium-titanium magnetite beneficiation are titanium iron concentrate (iron ore) containing about 50% of titanium in V-Ti magnetite, ilmenite concentrate containing about 50% of titanium, and cobalt sulfide concentrate [1,2,3,4].Titanium iron concentrate is mainly used for iron making through blast furnace process, which produces a …

The Superior Electrical Conductivity and Anodic Stability of …

Ti 4 O 7 and Ti 5 O 9, the most electrically-conductive members of the Magnéli phase titanium oxides (Ti n O 2n−1, 4 ≤ n ≤ 10), 1,2 are promising alternatives to carbon-based …

A first principles analysis of oxidation in titanium alloys with ...

Fig. 5 shows the site-projected DOS for 4% aluminum and vanadium doped titanium. For the Ti-Al case, the Fermi level is mainly occupied by Ti-d orbitals. The Al-s and Al-p orbitals are found to be located at a lower energy range (< –5 eV), indicating a weak s/p-d hybridization between the Ti and Al.

Enhancing Reduction Separation and Efficient Recovery of Iron, Vanadium ...

In this work, diboron trioxide and calcium fluoride are applied as composite additives to explore a process suitable for processing low-grade, high-vanadium, ultra-high-titanium vanadium–titanium magnetite. The metallized coal-based direct reduction–electromagnetic separation experiment was conducted. Results show that a good …

Efficient separation of vanadium, titanium, and iron from vanadium ...

The vanadium–bearing titanomagnetite (VBT) is a strategic and complex iron ore, which containing valuable metals of vanadium, titanium, and iron used as constituents of several alloys, whitepigments, and steel [1], [2], [3] China, the gross reserve of titanium in VBT ore is estimated to be about 1.18 million tons, accounting for 93% of China''s total domestic …

Separation and Recovery of Vanadium(IV), Iron, and Titanium …

This study addressed the separation and recovery of vanadium(IV), iron, and titanium from synthetic and real leach solutions of vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite using extractant P204 (di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate) and P507 (2-ethylhexyl hydrogen-2-ethylhexyl phosphonate). Based on the speciation analysis of vanadium in sulfuric acid medium, the …

Recovery of Vanadium, Titanium, and Iron from Vanadium …

In this study, an efficient utilization of vanadium titanomagnetite concentrate was systemically investigated through potassium pyrosulfate (K2S2O7) synergized with ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) cascade roasting to separate and recover vanadium, iron, and titanium. The result shows that 95.87% of vanadium and 80.13% of iron could be extracted, while that of titanium …

Fusion Separation of Vanadium-Titanium Magnetite and …

Vanadium-titanium magnetite is a complex symbiotic iron ore resource composed of iron, vanadium, titanium and other metals, which is one of the most important iron ore resources in China [1,2,3,4].Titanium, as an indispensable metal raw material for the modern industry and advanced science and technology, is mostly derived from the vanadium-titanium …

《》1980,,。2018523《》,《》18。2018523,《》3556、358991 、11570 ...

A method for recovery of iron, titanium, and vanadium from vanadium ...

An innovative method for recovering valuable elements from vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite is proposed. This method involves two procedures: low-temperature roasting of vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite and water leaching of roasting slag. During the roasting process, the reduction of iron oxides to metallic iron, the sodium oxidation of vanadium oxides …

High-chromium vanadium–titanium magnetite all-pellet integrated …

High-chromium vanadium–titanium magnetite (HVTM) is a crucial polymetallic-associated resource to be developed. The all-pellet operation is a blast furnace trend that aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the future. By referencing the production data of vanadium-titanium magnetite blast furnaces, this study explored the softening-melting behavior of high-chromium …

Extraction of Vanadium from Vanadium–Titanium Magnetite: …

6 · The sodium roasting–water leaching process for vanadium–titanium magnetite (VTM) concentrate faces challenges such as low vanadium recovery, excessive addition of sodium …

The extraction of vanadium from titanomagnetites and other sources

Vanadium is used in the cathodes of some lithium ion batteries. A newer energy storage application is in redox flow batteries, which can charge and discharge simultaneously. …

Mechanism on the Separation of Vanadium and …

Vanadium slag is a strategic vanadium extracting source, which is produced from the hot-metal treatment prior to the basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) or during the converter steelmaking process by using …

Opslag energie: technisch veel mogelijk, maar regelgeving is …

Alle tafelgasten van de onlinetalkshow over energieopslag zijn het erover eens: er is dringend een vergunningversnelling nodig om efficiënte opslag van energie voor 2030 te kunnen realiseren. Technisch zijn er genoeg veelbelovende oplossingen, maar het duurt vaak jaren voordat er ergens een schop de grond in kan. De huidige regelgeving vertraagt een …

Vanadium-Based Materials: Next Generation …

The key to producing vanadium-based electrodes with the desired performance characteristics is the ability to fabricate and optimize them consistently to realize certain specifications through effective engineering …

Energieopslag, opslag van elektrische energie

Opslag van elektrische energie met de Vanadium Redox Flow Battery technologie is de doorbraak voor de tot nu toe ontbrekende schakel in de energievoorziening. - Grootschalige energieopslag. - Zeer lange levensduur. - Volledige ontlading …

Study on Current Technology of Vanadium Extraction from Vanadium ...

Most of the vanadium products in the world are extracted from vanadium titanium magnetite, and the vanadium products produced from vanadium titanium magnetite can account for 88% of the total production of that year . Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and summarize various methods for extracting vanadium, in order to provide ideas and suggestions …

Carbides of Transition Metals: Properties, Application and

Abstract—The properties, application, and methods for producing titanium and vanadium carbides are considered. These carbides are oxygen-free refractory metal-like compounds. As a result, they are characterized by high values of thermal and electrical conductivity. Their hardness is relatively high. Titanium and vanadium carbides exhibit …

From Waste to Wealth: Current Advances in Recycling ...

The burgeoning accumulation of vanadium-titanium magnetite tailings (VTMT) presents a dual challenge of environmental hazard and loss of valuable metal resources. This review arrives at a crucial juncture in global efforts towards a circular economy, focusing on innovative and effective metal recovery technologies. We explore the forefront of recycling …

Vanadium redox flow batterijen op weg naar de eerste …

Maar er bestaat een beter alternatief sinds de opkomst van hernieuwbare energie door wind, water, zon, etc. Vanadium redox flow batterijen staan op het punt de fakkel over te nemen. Lithium-ion batterijen zijn alom …

High-Efficiency Smelting Separation of Vanadium–Titanium

Efficient utilization of vanadium–titanium magnetite can be achieved by high-temperature pyrometallurgical smelting separation of the material. The fusibility of …

Sodium vanadium titanium phosphate electrode for symmetric …

Here we report a sodium super-ionic conductor structured electrode, sodium vanadium titanium phosphate, which delivers a high specific capacity of 147 mA h g −1 at a …

Efficient Separation and Recovery of Vanadium, Titanium, Iron ...

The dumping of a large amount of steel slag not only wastes metal resources, but pollutes the ecological environment. In this study, a method for recovery of vanadium, titanium, iron, magnesium, and synthesizing anhydrite from steel slag is proposed. The leaching efficiency of V, Ti, Fe, and Mg was 99.42%, 99.36%, 99.89%, and 99.95%, respectively, under …

Separation of Ilmenite from Vanadium Titanomagnetite by …

Vanadium titanomagnetite (VTM) is an important mineral for developing titanium resources, but the comprehensive recovery of ilmenite separation is extremely poor, resulting in the low-efficiency utilization of titanium resources. Here, the separation of ilmenite from VTM ore is studied by combining magnetic separation and flotation technologies. In particular, the …