Tracking Clean Energy Innovation: Focus on China

Snapshots of recent trends in energy patenting, illustrating improvements in outputs of China''s innovation system, and in solar PV, a technology area in which China''s contributions to cost reductions have …

What makes China''s innovation ecosystem unique?

Not only the integration of technology into daily life is unparalleled, offering a fertile ground for technology start-ups to thrive, but being from Hong Kong (SAR), the government''s proactive measures, such as favourable policies, targeted investments and regulatory flexibility, have played a key role in shaping the ecosystem''s trajectory.

Top 10 fabrikanten van draagbare krachtcentrales in China

China, een krachtpatser op het gebied van productie en innovatie, loopt voorop in deze sector en beschikt over topfabrikanten die bekend staan om hun kwaliteit, innovatie en betrouwbaarheid. In dit artikel duiken we in de top 10 van fabrikanten van draagbare krachtcentrales in China, waarbij we hun expertise, productaanbod en bijdragen aan deze snelgroeiende markt onder de …

China enters top 10 in innovation

A recently released report indicated that China''s comprehensive innovation capability has risen to the 10th position globally, further cementing the nation''s status as a rising leading innovative ...

China NMPA Launches Pilot Program to Speed Up Approval for Innovative ...

On July 31, 2024, China''s NMPA launched a pilot program aimed at improving the review and approval process for innovative drug clinical trials. Pharmaceutical. ChemLinked Market Chemical Food Cosmetic Pharmaceutical Japan …


The Project. In 2016, CSIS launched the China Innovation Policy Series (CIPS). The purpose of this initiative is to better understand both Chinese innovation policy and the actual performance record of Chinese efforts at high-technology innovation, and on that basis, assess the implications for industry, China''s trading partners, and the global economy.

''China leidt technologische innovatie''

Nieuws-22 april 2017 - 06:34 ''China leidt technologische innovatie'' Bestuurders van grote ondernemingen zien China steeds belangrijker worden voor technologische vernieuwing.

China Innovation Finance Institute(CIFI)

The China Innovation Finance Institute(CIFI) conducts researches on innovation finance, innovation investment and innovation economy, as well as develops the partnership between China and leading International Financial Centeres and International Innovation Centres. ... Global Representatives Gather in Chengdu for the Future of Innovative ...

Viewpoint: why China''s switch to an ''innovation chain'' …

An "all-of-state" effort is needed, China''s top leaders say, to break foreign reliance, lest the US cuts off China''s development path. The notion of the innovation chain enables Beijing to gain control over this inherently …

Moving Forward While Adapting

In 2019, China''s physical energy storage technology made important breakthroughs. The world''s first 10 MW advanced compressed air energy storage project …


Sinds de oprichting in 2013 heeft SOFAR zich gericht op onafhankelijke innovatie en een wereldwijd R&D-netwerk opgezet met drie R&D-centra. Met meer dan 500 R&D-werknemers zorgen we voor voortdurende innovatie om een voortrekkersrol te blijven spelen in de PV- en energieopslagindustrie.

China''s tech innovation prospers as nation targets breakthroughs

China made it to 11th place in the global innovation index ranking in 2022, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization. China''s investment in basic scientific research also jumped quickly, from 49.9 billion yuan in 2012 to 195.1 billion yuan in 2022.

Alliance formed to boost energy storage

China is targeting new-type energy storage installed capacity of 30 gigawatts by 2025, part of efforts to boost renewable power consumption and ensure grid stability, according to a statement by ...

| Beny Nieuwe Energie | BENY Elektrisch

Verwacht wordt dat China, de Verenigde Staten en Europa de belangrijkste aanjagers van de ontwikkeling van de industrie zullen blijven. ... voortdurende innovatie en vooruitgang op het gebied van opslagtechnologieën, en de vraag van gebruikers naar upgrades van de energiestructuur, is de energieopslagindustrie klaar voor meer ontwikkeling ...

Dyness werd bekroond met de "China Hidden Unicorns".

Naar verluidt is de selectie van de "China Top 500 Hidden Unicorns" gebaseerd op de volgende vier criteria: ten eerste, het hebben van een originele of ontwrichtende technologie; ten tweede, het hebben van een bedrijfsmodel dat moeilijk te kopiëren is; ten derde, het hebben van een bedrijfswaardering van meer dan RMB 200 miljoen en minder dan RMB 7 miljard; en ten …

Belangrijke ontwikkelingen in solid-state batterijtechnologie in 2024

De wereldwijde concurrentie om de dominantie van vaste-stofbatterijen is bijzonder intens in Azië, met landen als China, Japan en Zuid-Korea leidend. Deze landen investeren fors in solid-state batterijtechnologie, omdat ze het potentieel ervan erkennen om de energieopslagindustrie te revolutioneren en een concurrentievoordeel op de wereldmarkt te …

Next step in China''s energy transition: energy storage deployment

2023 was a breakthrough year for industrial and commercial energy storage in China. Projections show significant growth for the future. The Forum''s Modernizing Energy …

Clean energy innovation in China: fact and fiction, and …

China''s EV, battery, and solar firms are able to innovate and scale up output quickly in part because of the important role of vertical integration and manufacturing clusters. Vertical …

Innovative Erfindungen aus China auf der iENA_China .cn

Sie zieht Aussteller aus rund 30 Ländern und Regionen an, die mehr als 500 innovative Erfindungen aus verschiedenen Bereichen präsentieren. Das chinesische Ausstellerteam bringt 96 innovative Ergebnisse mit zur Messe. ... 17 Unternehmen und neun Forschungseinrichtungen aus China mit Erfindungen aus den Bereichen Gesundheit, …

China''s Innovation Index in 2020

This index reflects the situation of potential innovative human resources in China. Graduates of science and engineering refer to the number of graduates of science, engineering, agriculture and medicine at or above the undergraduate level, and the population of school age refers to the population aged 20-34 in China. 4.

28 incredible ''Made in China'' innovations that are

The company operates 40 pilotless craft covering 100 villages in rural China, and plans to expand the service nationwide. 5. World''s largest waste-to-energy plant. China is set to turn trash into treasure when the Shenzhen …

China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in …

Others argue that China cannot be innovative because its productivity performance lags behind global leaders. In an article for Australia''s Lowy Institute, John West argued that notwithstanding the relatively high rank …

How Innovative Is China in Nuclear Power? | ITIF

Thus, with regard to the eight S''s ITIF has framed as part of its "Is China Innovative?" research series — S cience and engineering talent, a head Start, Scale, Speed, local Suppliers, Subsidies, Size, and Specialization — China''s nuclear energy policy and strategy hits upon most of these. As noted, China is rapidly approving and building nuclear facilities (six to …

China''s Innovation Index in 2021

This index reflects the situation of potential innovative human resources in China. Graduates of science and engineering refer to the number of graduates of science, engineering, agriculture and medicine at or above the undergraduate level, and the population of school age refers to the population aged 20-34 in China. iv.

China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced …

A 20-month investigation of Chinese innovation capabilities in 10 advanced-technology industries suggests that China has not yet taken the overall lead, but its firms are making rapid progress in developing their innovation capabilities and will likely equal or surpass the U.S. and other Western leaders within a decade or so.

Accelerating Innovation in China''s Solar, Wind and Energy …

The Chinese government is hopeful that green innovation will substantially enhance growth, and this study explores that potential. The study analyzes a few specific sectors in which China has …

Technology and innovation in China''s Path to 2035

China''s overarching national goals to become an "innovative nation" by 2020, be in the "front ranks" of innovative countries by 2035, and a "global scientific power" by 2050. China has achieved the first goal – for example, the number of patents filed by Chinese entities now leads the world though quality, while improving, still lags.