Artificial intelligence-enhanced quantum chemical method with …

Artificial intelligence is combined with quantum mechanics to break the limitations of traditional methods and create a new general-purpose method for computational …


Therefore Intelligent Quantum Solutions, LLC offers an approach that brings coherency to these energies that are under constant environmental assault. Intelligent Quantum Solutions LLC, IQS, is pleased to bring to you energy frequencies that enhance your Acu-Field. IQS is designed to bring order to your energy within the body, as in energy ...

Quantum Informative Analysis in Smart Power Distribution

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Volume 15, Issue 6. December 2024. 154 pages. EISSN: 2157-6912. DOI: 10.1145/3613712. Editor: Huan Liu. Arizona State University, AZ. Issue''s Table of Contents.

Quantum Trader—A Multiagent-Based Quantum Financial

From the implementation perspective, the quantum trader is integrated with 2048-trading day time series financial data and 39 major financial signals as input signals for the real-time prediction and intelligent agent trading of 129 worldwide financial products which consists of: 9 major cryptocurrencies, 84 forex, 19 major commodities, and 17 worldwide …

An Overview of Quantum Finance Models | SpringerLink

Quantum finance is a newly developed interdisciplinary subject introduced in 1990s by applying quantum mechanics and quantum field theory to theoretical economics—so-called econophysics.. Nevertheless, econophysics style of R&D was established much earlier. In 1900, Professor Louis Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Bachelier (1870–1946), a French mathematician …

iQuantum: A toolkit for modeling and simulation of quantum …

Quantum computing resources are predominantly accessible through cloud services, with a potential future shift to edge networks. This paradigm and the increasing global interest in …

Learning models of quantum systems from experiments

Distilling models of quantum systems from experimental data in a compact, intelligible form is a core challenge with far-reaching implications 1,2,3.Great strides have been made towards automating ...

Quantum Finance: Intelligent Forecast and Trading Systems

This paper introduced an end-to-end RL intraday trading agent, namely QF-TraderNet, based on the quantum finance theory (QFT) and deep reinforcement learning, which outperforms other baselines in terms of cumulative price returns and Sharpe Ratio, and the robustness in the acceidential market shift.

Towards Quantum-Native Communication Systems: New …

Immersive, intelligent, and multi-domain operation is ex-pected to be the key features of future communications [11], [13], with some critical application scenarios including, but not limited to: • Smart cities with intelligent super-connectivity and strin-gent security requirements [14], [15]; • Holographic communication supporting ...

Quantum Informative Analysis in Smart Power Distribution

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Volume 15, Issue 6. December 2024. 154 pages. EISSN: 2157-6912. DOI: 10.1145/3613712. Editor: Huan Liu. …


Intelligent systems deserve our holistic approach and analysis: We do not restrict our work to specific areas of technology and methods but rather select and combine key aspects of different disciplines to help us optimize the way humans and machines interact. Our key consideration, above all, is that intelligent systems are perceived as being ...

Artificially intelligent Maxwell''s demon for optimal control of open ...

Concretely, we employ RL to perform a systematic and comprehensive study to discover optimal feedback control strategies to maximize the long-term time-average and trajectory-averaged heat extracted from a single thermal bath, thus finding the "best artificially intelligent quantum Maxwell''s demon" without any prior knowledge about quantum mechanics, nor of thermodynamics.

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Design and implementation of intelligent …

Intelligent manufacturing, as the fundamental industrial sector of the national economy, is one of the more important factors determining the level of national development, and its importance is self-evident. The maturity of IoT technology has provided new opportunities for China''s manufacturing industry, and has also made intelligent manufacturing a future research …

An overview of quantum computing and quantum communication …

The use of intelligent systems (AI, ML and other techniques) will be essential in achieving solutions faster and providing sustainable outcomes. But IoT devices as well as cloud and edges nodes must be AI-ready and be able to support the use of …

Quantum algorithms: applications, criteria and metrics

In the field of data processing and IoT communication it is possible to develop more robust solutions by combining quantum algorithms with metaheuristics. Said solutions can be applied in the industry and be measured using metrics associated with complexity, efficiency, processing, and accuracy. An extensive bibliographical review is carried out to determine …

Quantum Inspired Intelligent Systems | SpringerLink

Research on applying principles of quantum computing to improve the engineering of intelligent systems has been launched since late 1990s. This emergent research field concentrates on studying on quantum computing that is characterized by certain principles of quantum mechanics such as standing waves, interference, quantum bits, coherence, superposition of states, and …

Quantum Finance : Intelligent Forecast and Trading Systems

Part II then examines the current, ongoing R&D projects on the application of quantum finance technologies in intelligent real-time financial prediction and quantum trading systems. This book is both a textbook for undergraduate & masters level quantum finance, AI and fintech courses and a valuable resource for researchers and data scientists working in the field of quantum finance …

Intelligent Quantum Information Processing

The book discusses the foundations of intelligent quantum information processing applied to several real-life engineering problems, including intelligent quantum systems, intelligent quantum communication, intelligent process optimization, and intelligent quantum distributed networks. This book: • Showcases a detailed overview of different quantum machine learning algorithmic …

Unconventional Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control: Quantum …

presented. Quantum self-organization knowledge base synergetic effect extracted from intelligent fuzzy controller''s imperfect knowledge bases described. That technology improved of robustness of intelligent cognitive control systems in hazard control situations described with the cognitive neuro-interface and different types of robot cooperation.

NASA Ames Intelligent Systems Division home

We provide leadership in information technologies by conducting mission-driven, user-centric research and development in computational sciences for NASA applications. We demonstrate and infuse innovative technologies for autonomy, robotics, decision-making tools, quantum computing approaches, and software reliability and robustness. We develop software …

Intelligent Quantum Information Processing

The book discusses the foundations of intelligent quantum information processing applied to several real-life engineering problems, including intelligent quantum systems, intelligent …

Artificial intelligence and quantum cryptography | Journal of ...

The technological advancements made in recent times, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, have brought about significant changes in technology. These advancements have profoundly impacted quantum cryptography, a field where AI methodologies hold tremendous potential to enhance the efficiency and robustness of …

Intelligent Systems | College of Engineering, Computing and …

Research in intelligent systems focuses on the technologies used to design and engineer state-of-the-art machines. These machines incorporate sensors, computers, and mechanical components. Examples include wearable devices, AI-enhanced appliances, smartphones, biomedical devices, industrial robots, and drones.

Quantum AI

Explaining how the two are connected, Prof. Christian Bauckhage from the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS in Sankt Augustin says, "From a …

Quantum-Assisted Intelligent Decision Support Systems for …

Quantum-Assisted Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Trustworthy Renewable Energy Management in Consumer Devices Abstract: As the energy management …